A couple of weeks ago I posted that myself and four of my colleagues had signed up to the IP Inclusive Senior Leaders' Pledge.
We individually signed up to the eight commitments, and within them more specific commitments.
This week we were delighted to honour some of these commitments, as we hosted students from The Sutton Trust at a virtual three day placement introducing them to the world of patents, and IP in general. During their time with us the attendees took part in a variety of sessions, from a spot the difference activity, through introductions on how people found their way into the profession, to sessions led by some of our clients, to give them a real life perspective on how IP impacts their business.
One of our commitments is to involve our organisation in some form of outreach scheme to improve access to the IP professions. Our partnership with The Sutton Trust is something we are proud of, and we are looking forward to hosting more events in the future.
We are also looking forward to continuing to be mindful of our pledges, and being personally involved in, and contributing to, our D&I commitment . You can find more details about our commitments here.
Boult Wade Tennant is committed to: Providing visible and proactive leadership to improve D&I in my organisation Taking D&I seriously at the highest level Embedding and valuing D&I throughout the organisational culture Building trust and safe spaces throughout the organisation Educating myself and my colleagues about D&I issues Sharing my privileges Insisting on equity Working closely with HR and/or management colleagues to achieve this